Sunday, September 8, 2024

North Bronx Sda Church Live Streaming

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North Bronx Seventh-day Adventist Church Live Stream

In this matter of submission, I want you to know upfront ladies that once you get married you are no longer your own. You are your husband’s. You understand what I am saying? I emphasise that because I saw on TV the other day where a lady sued her husband for rape and I would say to you gentlemen the best person to rape is your wife, he said further.

Robinson asserted that because a wife belongs to her husband it was not a question of rape.

His sermon generated an uproar with some members of the congregation calling for his removal.

In a petition, upset congregants called for the church to remove Robinson from his duties.

The petition gathered a number of signatures and the main Seventh-day Adventist body asked Robinson to resign, which he did.

The church has since said that he will not be allowed to preach at any church.

However, many in the congregation have come to the pastor’s defence alleging that he is being wrongly accused of condoning marital rape.

In a petition circulated on his behalf, some members spoke out about how the situation was handled.

Pastor Robinson has been falsely accused by detractors of promoting wife rape. This malicious mischaracterisation has resulted in the assassination of his character on a global scale. In addition, it has compromised his ability to feed his family, a section of the petition read.

Contacted by The Gleaner, Robinson said he had been instructed not to make any statement.

Prayer Requests Live Daily Prayer

Welcome to Fulfilled Life Church Online. On a daily basis, we pray online together. You can join us every day to pray with us, or just to listen to prayers being lifted up, and to receive a word of inspiration.Heres what to expect when you dial in to a live daily prayer session.

Our Statement Of Faith

This is the statement of faith believed on and taught by World Royal City Ministries. It is Bible based, and God inspired.

To join us for free from anywhere in the world during the live session, enter our Conference ID: 8573428990 and hit the “Call” button after you click here.

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Recommended Reading: 1065 Southern Boulevard Bronx Ny 10459

Yes These Steps Look Easy Easy Enough To Set Aside For Later Easy Enough To Think That Maybe They’re Not So Important Or Not So Special But That Would Be A Mistake

The Bible tells the story of Naaman, the commander of the Syrian army. He contracted leprosy which was incurable and terminal. One of his slaves, an Israelite, suggested that he go to Samaria, where the prophet Elisha would be able to heal him. Elisha told Naaman to go wash himself in the river Jordan, and to immerse himself seven times if he wanted to be healed. Naaman was insulted. That river was muddy and it was unacceptable for a high official to bath in it.

Yes, the instructions to dunk himself in the Jordan were simple, but what did he have to lose?

He was about to leave in a rage when one of his soldiers pointed out that if Elisha had asked him to do something great and difficult, he would have followed instructions without question. Yes, the instructions to dunk himself in the Jordan were simple, but what did he have to lose? Naaman accepted the counsel, followed Elisha’s instructions and was healed. Just like Naaman, you are free to choose your course of action. You can continue struggling with your troubles, drifting through life without meaning or purpose, and missing out on a journey that will bring you eternal life. Or, you can follow the simple steps on this page. The choice is yours.

The simple path we’re offering will help you

Daily Prayer And Inspiration

Home : Willis Avenue Seventh
  • If you need immediate prayer, please fill out a prayer request form and submit to us, or call or text us at 857-342-3440
  • If youd like to join the live daily prayer sessions, first select one or more times from our events calendar to join, and dial 857-342-8990 to join the line at the time you select. No password is required.
  • When you dial in, you will hear a welcome message and your line will be muted but dont worry: during the session, we will ask you to raise your hand by dialing *5. Then we will unmute your line so that you can speak and share your request
  • If you prefer to just listen to the prayers and pray along with us, you can do that from the comfort of your own home. You line will be on mute so you can pray along if youd like.
  • Daily Church Online Daily Prayers:When to Join: Monday to Friday, 6-7AM, 8AM, 8:30AM, and 8PM Eastern TimeWhere: Call from anywhere, dial by phone to join

    If youd like to join using an internet connection during the live session, , enter our Conference ID: 8573428990 and hit the Call button after you click here.

    To Learn More About the Prayer Conference, call us

    To contact us or drop off your prayer request

    How Long Do the Prayer Sessions Last?The daily 6AM sessions run from 6AM-7AM Eastern time. You can call anytime during that time, listen in, prayer along, and raise your hand so that we can take your prayer request live

    What Happens During The Worship Service?A typical one hour session can include:

    Recommended Reading: Raymour And Flanigan Flatbush Ave Brooklyn

    What You Can Expect From Us

    • Authentic, imperfect, down-to-earth people, who are seeking to follow God in the way of Jesus
    • Historic building full of character that both honors the past and reflects the creativity of our current community
    • An open welcome, a hot cup of coffee, and a desire that you will not feel new here for very long
    • An atmosphere of acceptance, recognizing that we all come from different cultural and religious contexts
    • Space when you need it, warmth and welcome when youre ready for it
    • Inspiring, fun place for kids to learn about the love of God
    • Orthodox, historic, Christian teaching with relevance for today
    • A focus on Christian formation with value placed on the inward journey
    • A commitment to social justice with opportunities to serve in our church, city and world
    • Small group opportunities to foster deeper relationship with God and others

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