Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Is The New Yorker A Scholarly Source

How To Choose Material That Improves Your Gre Reading Comprehension

What is a scholarly source?

These publications arent the only sources for great GRE reading material. With the internet at your fingertips, you can easily search up great, challenging articles to improve your reading comprehension skills. Here are some key things to look for in your search for GRE reading material:

  • Range of Subjects: Practicing critical reading on a variety of topics keeps things interesting and prepares you to tackle any subject they throw at you on the Verbal Reasoning section of the GRE.
  • Clear Opinion or Point of View: Analyzing articles with a strong opinion helps you better understand how to form a convincing argument in writing.
  • Length: Remember the GRE includes lengthy reading comprehension passages, so youll want to practice your ability to read fast with longer articles.
  • Complexity: The faster you can read through a dense passage and comprehend the main ideas, the better equipped you will be to handle reading under timed test conditions.

Can Newspapers Be Scholarly Sources

The majority of newspaper articles do not contain scholarly articles, but they often do contain plenty of good, factual information and can be considered good sources for your research, and may be helpful in giving you an overview of your topics background. Editors write most of the articles in newspapers, and they are not peer-reviewed.

Why The New Yorker Is The Best Magazine

Today The New Yorker is considered by many to be the most influential magazine in the world, renowned for its in-depth reporting, political and cultural commentary, fiction, poetry, and humor. The New Yorker app, available for free in the App Store, is the best way to stay on top of The New Yorkers offerings.

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Can Science Fiction Wake Us Up To Our Climate Reality

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Last summer, the science-fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson went on a backpacking trip with some friends. They headed into the High Sierra, hiking toward Deadman Canyona fifty-mile walk through challenging terrain. Now sixty-nine, Robinson has been hiking and camping in the Sierras for half a century. At home, in Davis, California, he tracks his explorations on a wall-mounted map, its topography thick with ink. He is a devotee of the ultralight approach to backpacking and prefers to travel without water, instead gathering it along the way, from lakes and streams. Arriving at the canyon, with its broad, verdant floor cradled in smooth slopes of granite, he planned to fill his bottles with meltwater from the seven glaciers buried in its headwall.

As the car headed east, the sky seemed to be getting darker. Everything was bathed in an orange Kodachrome light.

Weve definitely dropped into the smoke, Robinson said, looking out the window. The fields were blanketed in dun-colored fog.

Not good, Biagioli said, removing his sunglasses and turning on the recirculation.

Eventually, we arrived at the switchbackssteep, narrow, tightly zigzagging cuts in the rock. Biagioli, whod completed a hundred-kilometre bike race in the Dolomites a few years before, looked up eagerly at the first real challenge of the day.

We nodded.

The French Dispatch Reviewed: Wes Andersons Most Freewheeling Film

Scholarly popular primary secondary

The French Dispatch should finally dispel a common misgiving about the movies of Wes Andersonnamely, that there is something enervated, static, or precious about the extremes of the decorative artifice of which his comedy is made. The French Dispatch is perhaps Andersons best film to date. It is certainly his most accomplished. And, for all its whimsical humor, it is an action film, a great one, although Andersons way of displaying action is unlike that of any other filmmaker. His movies often rest upon an apparent paradox between the refinement of his methods and the violence of his subject matter. In The French Dispatch, it is all the more central, given his literary focus: the title is also the name of a fictitious magazine thats explicitly modelled on The New Yorker and some of its classic journalistic stars. Anderson sends writers out in search of stories, and what they find turns out to be a world of trouble, a world in which aesthetics and power are inseparable, with all the moral complications and ambivalences that this intersection entails.

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Does A Newspaper Article Count As A Primary Source

It is possible to draw on both primary and secondary sources of information in newspaper articles. An article from 2018 describing the same event but providing background information about current events would be considered a secondary source, whereas an article from 2016 describing the same event but providing background information about current events would be considered a primary source.

Why Do People Hate Reading

Lack of Concentration. People who tend to get distracted often and easily will find it hard to really delve into a book and get into the lost in the images and ideas that reading can bring. Too much stress or anxiety in life can make reading a difficult and frustrating experience they justifiably want to avoid.

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Is The New Yorker A Scholarly Source

In some magazines, the title refers to the journal, but it is not scholarly, for example. The Ladies Home Journal is an example. These kinds of magazines are usually found in magazines such as The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, and Harpers Weekly. In addition to long, research-based essays, they may also publish secondary sources that are useful.

What Are Scholarly Sources

Scholarly vs. Public vs. Pop History | The Diatribe

Scholarly sources are those that have been approved by a group with recognized expertise in the field under discussion. Books published by University Presses fall into this category, as do articles published in peer-reviewed journalsjournals where the editors send pieces out to be read by experts in the field before deciding to publish them. The Yale library subscribes to several databases that specialize in scholarly sources . See Databases for more information. If you use sources for facts or ideas in your writing, some research projects will demand that you rely heavily if not exclusively on scholarly sources. Scholarly sources are not infallible, but their publication process includes many steps for verifying facts, for reducing political bias, and for identifying conflicts of interest .

To understand this difference, it may help to recognize that when you write for a departmental class, you are writing for an audience more expert than the common reader. When writing about Republican and Democratic voting patterns on stem cells, science reports from a general interest magazine like Newsweek might be considered sufficiently authoritative. But when you write about stem cells for a Biomedical Engineering class, your teachers and classmates are considered more expert than the average non-scientist reader. For this audience, your sources must have stronger science credentials, must generally be working scientists, not journalists.

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The Long American History Of Missing White Woman Syndrome

Last month, the disappearance of the twenty-two-year-old Gabby Petito became a sensation, attracting play-by-play coverage in the news and avid amateur sleuthing on social media. At the same time, the national fascination with Petitos case sparked a debate about the nature of the fascination itself. The photos of Petito that filled our screens showed an attractive, blond, young white woman who radiated the curated happiness of a social-media native, and critics noted that coverage of her disappearanceand the subsequent identification, in Wyoming, of her remainsdwarfed the attention that both the media and law enforcement pay to other missing and murdered people, especially those who are Black and indigenous. The Petito case, which is still unfolding seemed like another instance of what the late journalist Gwen Ifill famously described as missing white woman syndrome: a hunger for stories about victims who look like Petito, to the exclusion of all others.

In cases like Gabby Petitos, which are unfolding in real time, where is the line between consuming the news developments as news and consuming them as true crime?

Is that connected to who gets to be the protagonist in this sort of story? Cases that get this exponentially greater level of coverage tend to have, at their center, white women, and especially younger and conventionally attractive white women.

How does that goodness manifest?

Legal Basis Of The Public Health Response

In the middle of September, the Board of Health began making changes to the Sanitary Code. On September 17, it made influenza and pneumonia reportable for the first time in New York City’s history and on October 4 officially resolved that an epidemic existed. As reported in the Annual Report of the New York City Department of Health, for the two weeks between October 5 and October 19, influenza deaths mounted until cresting around October 21 . From October 26 onward, the number of deaths from both influenza and pneumonia quickly declined and by mid-November had returned to levels comparable to the previous year’s influenza and pneumonia mortality rates. After November 4, the only item left on the Board of Health’s influenza docket was to process the glut of hiring and compensation forms in the wake of a dramatic emergency expansion of the public health workforce.

Reported deaths from influenza and pneumonia in New York City, September to November 1918

The mandatory timetable codified in the Sanitary Code was created with input from those most affected by it. Before it was enacted, Copeland and other health officials met with representatives of New York City’s business community, including large employers such as the Tobacco Products Corporation, to explain the logistics of the order and the reasons it was needed.

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What Is The Reading Level Of The Average American

The average American reads at the 7th- to 8th-grade level, according to The Literacy Project. Medical information for the public should be written at no higher than an eighth-grade reading level, according to the American Medical Association, National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Voluntary Isolation And Home Quarantine

Due to practical concerns, isolation measures used during the 1918 epidemic took on a slightly different form than the protocols for quarantine and isolation used at the turn of the century for yellow fever, diphtheria, or smallpox. Under typical public health protocols, a person would either be bound to their home for the duration of their illness and a placard placed on their door, or they would be removed from their home and isolated in a hospital or sanitarium. Given the high number of cases in New York City, placard isolation for influenza was impractical and unenforceable. State Commissioner of Health Herman M. Biggs summarized the dilemma of isolation and quarantine by explaining that such measures while theoretically desirable, are not practical in view of the highly contagious character and the widespread extent of the malady and the general susceptibility to it.

The Health Department has not deemed it necessary to quarantine families in which there are cases of influenza because this disease is held not to be communicable by one who has not himself got influenza. It matters not that a person is exposed to the malady unless he himself is stricken with it. The danger of infection lies almost entirely, it is said, in the coughing and sneezing of one who actually has influenza.

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Why Reading Vocab In Context Matters For The Gre

Reading comprehension practice is about more than rote memorizationrather, you should be trying to interpret meaning and learn new words in the context of the surrounding text. I highly recommend perusing these sources for improving your reading comprehension:

Most of the writing in these august publications is not only replete with advanced vocabulary but is also similar in tone and style to GRE passages. In this post, well look at GRE-level reading material from the aforementioned sources as well as highlight important words. Well also discuss how to approach learning vocabulary in context in order to improve your reading comprehension.

The articles come from a variety of fields, including business, science, and literature. Ive done my best to select pieces that I think a majority will find interesting, which I recommend you do as well when you embark on your quest to improve your reading comprehension. Each article excerpt not only contains GRE words to watch out for but also analyzes an issue.

Examples Of Scholarly In A Sentence

scholarlyscholarlyscholarlyscholarly CBS Newsscholarly The Salt Lake Tribunescholarly VarietyscholarlySan Antonio Express-Newsscholarly Washington Postscholarly Vulturescholarly Smithsonian Magazinescholarly The New Yorker

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘scholarly.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.

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Popular V Scholarly V Peer Reviewed Articles

What’s the difference between a popular article and a scholarly one? And I keep seeing the terms “scholarly” and “peer-reviewed.” Do they mean the same thing?

A popular article is one that is found in a magazine. It has the following characteristics:

  • It’s written by journalists or professional writers for a general audience
  • It uses language easily understood by general readers
  • If it contains research, it is typically reported second-hand.
  • It rarely gives full citations for sources
  • It tends to be shorter than journal articles.
  • It is usually glossy and pretty and is published daily, weekly, or monthly.

Examples of Popular Magazines:

A scholarly articleis found in a journal and has the following characteristics:

  • They are written by experts in the field and typically list their credentials
  • The intended audience is faculty, researchers, or scholars
  • They use scholarly or technical language.
  • They tend to be longer articles about research and often report the results of original research.
  • They include full citations for their sources.
  • The look of the journal is not intended to attract attention and it is usually published monthly or quarterly

Examples of Scholarly Journals:

Note: There are some hybrids out there that blur the lines between magazines and scholarly journals. Scientific American and Atlantic Monthly, for example, do not fit well into either category.

The instructor for my course has specified that I use peer-reviewed articles. Does that mean a scholarly article?

What Is Considered A Recent Scholarly Source

Capitalism vs. Slavery…and The New York Times’ 1619 Project

Scholarly sources are articles or other academic works written by experts in a particular field that have been published. This is intended to keep this audience up-to-date with the most recent research or news on the topic, as well as to appeal to readers who already have an interest in the subject.

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Who Reads New York Times

What is the reading rate of The New York Times? A majority of the papers readers are male and 49 percent are female, which means that men and women read the paper equally. Its readers are mostly young 34% are between the ages of 30 and 49, and 29% are between the ages of 18 and 29. Most of the people who work there earn more than $75,000 a year, which makes it appealing to all income levels.

Is The New Yorker A Scholarly Journal

Some magazines have the word journal in the title but are not scholarly, e.g., Ladies Home Journal. The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, and Harpers Weekly are good examples of these kinds of magazines. The articles they publish may also be long, research-based essays and can be very useful secondary sources.

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Where To Find Scholarly Sources

The first step in finding good resources is to look in the right place. If you want reliable sources, avoid general search engines. Sites like Google, Yahoo, and Wikipedia may be good for general searches, but if you want something you can cite in a scholarly paper, you need to find it from a scholarly database.

Popular scholarly databases include JStor, Project Muse, the MLA International Bibliography, Academic Search Premier, and ProQuest. These databases do charge a fee to view articles, but most universities will pay for students to view the articles free of charge. Ask a librarian at your college about the databases to which they offer access.

Most journals will allow you to access electronic copies of articles if you find them through a database. This will not always be the case, however. If an article is listed in a database but cant be downloaded to your computer, write down the citation anyway. Many libraries will have hard copies of journals, so if you know the author, date of publication, and page numbers, you can probably find a print edition of the source.

What To Read If I Dont Like Reading

Google Scholar

23 Books You Should Read Even If You Arent Into Reading The Mediator by Meg Cabot 568. The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams 472. Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris 462. The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. The Book Thief by Markus Zusac 299. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom 190.

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The Man Behind Critical Race Theory

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The town of Harmony, Mississippi, which owes its origins to a small number of formerly enslaved Black people who bought land from former slaveholders after the Civil War, is nestled in Leake County, a perfectly square allotment in the center of the state. According to local lore, Harmony, which was previously called Galilee, was renamed in the early nineteen-twenties, after a Black resident who had contributed money to help build the towns school said, upon its completion, Now let us live and work in harmony. This story perhaps explains why, nearly four decades later, when a white school board closed the school, it was interpreted as an attack on the heart of the Black community. The school was one of five thousand public schools for Black children in the South that the philanthropist Julius Rosenwald funded, beginning in 1912. Rosenwalds foundation provided the seed money, and community members constructed the building themselves by hand. By the sixties, many of the structures were decrepit, a reflection of the Souths ongoing disregard for Black education. Nonetheless, the Harmony school provided its students a good education and was a point of pride in the community, which wanted it to remain open. In 1961, the battle sparked the founding of the local chapter of the N.A.A.C.P.

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