Saturday, September 7, 2024

How To Get An Article In The New York Times

Walter Duranty’s Holodomor Coverage And Pulitzer

10.9: New York Times API and JavaScript – p5.js Tutorial

Walter Duranty, who served as its Moscow bureau chief from 1922 through 1936, has been criticized for a series of stories in 1931 on the Soviet Union and won a Pulitzer Prize for his work at that time however, he has been criticized for his denial of widespread famine, most particularly Holodomor, a famine in Soviet Ukraine in the 1930s in which he summarized Russian propaganda, and the Times published, as fact: “Conditions are bad, but there is no famine”.

In 2003, after the Pulitzer Board began a renewed inquiry, the Times hired , professor of Russian history at Columbia University, to review Duranty’s work. Von Hagen found Duranty’s reports to be unbalanced and uncritical, and that they far too often gave voice to Stalinistpropaganda. In comments to the press he stated, “For the sake of The New York Times’ honor, they should take the prize away.”The Ukrainian Weekly covered the efforts to rescind Duranty’s prize. The Times has since made a public statement and the Pulitzer committee has declined to rescind the award twice stating, “…Mr. Duranty’s 1931 work, measured by today’s standards for foreign reporting, falls seriously short. In that regard, the Board’s view is similar to that of The New York Times itself…”.

Use The Nytclean Bookmarklet

Another way to beat the system involves utilizing the NYTClean bookmarklet. Sure, it will require an extra click for every article, but youll accomplish your ultimate goal of reading the New York Times for free online. To get started, point your browser to this page on the Blog and then click and hold on the NYTClean link located in the middle of the page and drag it to your bookmarks toolbar. Anytime you hit a page on the NY Times website asking you to cough up some cash to continue reading, simply hit the NYTClean bookmark in your toolbar. Magically, it works and youre redirected to a free version of the article.

Read For Free: Easy Version

As much as a paywall might get your hackles up, the folks running the Times understand that no amount of digital subscription revenue would make up for the sting an page view exodus. Thats whyin addition to 20 free articles a month, which is pretty generous for your average casual readerthey built in this little clause:

Readers who come to Times articles through links from search, blogs and social media like Facebook and Twitter will be able to read those articles, even if they have reached their monthly reading limit. For some search engines, users will have a daily limit of free links to Times articles.

Thats similar to the model thats been employed by the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times, and means that if theres ever an NYT article youre blocked from? You can just copy and paste the headline into Google for free and easy access. Even if you hit your unspecified daily limit on Google, you can head on over to Bing or, if youre feeling 2002 about it, Alta Vista.

If thats too labor intensive , then its time to make Twitter your new best friend. Between individual journos, print sections, and blogs, there are a whopping 252 Twitter accounts associated with the NYTnone of them shy about pushing out their content. Pick and choose your favorites, or for the full firehose of every single NYT article just follow @freeUnnamedNews .

Well, youll get 20 free articles a month, of course, and thats a lot more New York Times than a lot of folks want to read.

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Or You Could Just Like Pay For Access

You may have heard the devastating news that The New York Times has finally plugged the famous paywall loophole that allowed users to access more than their monthly allotment of articles. Once you used up your 10 free articles for the month, you could just delete the ?gwh=numbers part of the URL to easily and freely access the story.

Sadly, the Times confirmed that theyve officially put the kibosh on this notorious workaround. We have made some adjustments and will continue to make adjustments to optimize the gateway by implementing technical security solutions to prohibit abuse and protect the value of our content, Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy told New York magazine.

Lucky for you, there are still several workarounds you can employ in order to access premium content without paying for a subscription, but dont say we forced you to take the cheap way out.

1. Google the headline

This also works for the Wall Street Journal paywall. Google the headline, and click through from the Google search results page, and you should be able to read the story.

2. Use an incognito window in Chrome

Incognito windows let you browse the Web privately. Since cookies are deleted each time you close the window, you should be able to access stories to your hearts content.

3. Search for the link on Twitter

Copy and paste the link into a Twitter search, and click through to the story from Twitter. Stories accessed via social media dont count toward your article limit.

You Pitched The Wrong Editor Or Section

News: Why You Should Get It Straight To Your Inbox

Its sloppy and it shows you didnt do the basic research required to get your story published. Be absolutely sure that your idea fits within the section or outlet youre pitching, and that youre emailing the right editor.

Pitching me something that doesnt make any sense for the publication, subject-wise or tonally, shows me you havent read through the site, said Gina Vaynshteyn, editor-in-chief at First Media. If you havent done your homework, I wonder how diligent youll be about your story.

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What Makes A Mentorship Effective

While anyone can serve as a mentor, effective mentors cultivate some key traits. The mentors that our girls love the most are the ones that are great listeners, that see their potential and are willing to support them, come hell or high water, Ms. Luke said. If Im not sharing with you the specific experiences that have helped shape my opinion on how to do things, then Im not really helping you.

Clarity and communication are also mutually important. It helps to really know your concrete goals that youre working toward, Ms. Brodsky said. You should also be clear with the mentor as to why youre meeting them, and what youre hoping to gain.

Ms. Kaukus recommended telling a potential mentor why you chose them in particular. What about that persons career, personality or profession drew you to them?

And Ms. Luke emphasized that there was really no one right way to seek or engage in a mentoring relationship, provided it remains respectful and open. As long as youre willing to let the relationship evolve in the way that it can, based on everyones time constraints and the way that the communication works best for the two of you, I think theres no one, right structure, she said.

What Are The Elements Of A Great Opinion Guest Essay

Guest Essays can take many forms. They can be:

  • First-person accounts, in which everyday people describe their experiences in their own words in a way that compels readers to see the world or reflect on their own experiences in a different light.
  • A hub for experts to present findings, highlight problems and propose solutions to the public and to one another. We seek out essays from experts in which they make an original, robust argument based on their unusual or deep expertise. Economists, lawyers, doctors, teachers, psychologists, playwrights and many others may all have expertise on a given topic that may advance an important argument.
  • The place where public officials make their case, explain their position or tell their stories. Because these individuals already have significant platforms, their essays are held to especially high standards, and offer readers newsworthy insight.

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Dont Get Stuck Looking For Mentors Only At Work

While formal mentorships used to be de rigueur in the business world, they have fallen by the wayside. A Harvard Business School study on mentoring found that every professional over 40 could name a mentor, but only a few younger interviewees could. The solution: reimagining how employees find mentors, and how those relationships function.

Katherine Brodsky, a freelance journalist and director of Random Minds PR, started a private mentoring group to help people feel connected to others at all stages of their careers. Often, knowing how to get from Point A to Point B is mystifying, but when you see people who have succeeded in your field and get to learn about their journey, it takes the mystical element out of it, she said.

In particular, seeking mentors outside your team at work can provide a safe space to ask questions you might not feel comfortable asking a manager or someone to whom you report directly. That open, honest relationship can help people feel more supported both at work and, as Ms. Kaukus pointed out, in life.

Its always good to get somebody elses point of view, because sometimes we drill down on things, she said. I think so often, when were engaged in a conversation, were so busy thinking about what we need to say, perhaps were really not thinking about what the other person might be thinking, feeling, experiencing.

Does Technology Have All The Answers

Response to a Recent New York Times Article – âHow to Get a Better Deal From a Real Estate Agentâ?

This article from Credit Suisse, tells us that technology does not have all the answers because it has been found to exhibit similar biases, as humans. No one can discredit the impact of technology, but it is not totally free of human input and this is the reason we experience these biases in many areas we have technology holding foot.

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How Do You Write It

Begin writing all of your articles by making an outline of your story.

When you should start the outlining process depends on how ambitious your project is.

If its a story of several thousand words that includes extensive investigation, fact checking, and interviewing, its best to make a habit of debriefing every day you work on it.

Write up short profiles of all of your sources shortly after conducting the interviews, while details are still fresh in your memory. If you can, transcribe your recordings as well.

Identify the most compelling bits of information youve gathered.

Start building your story around this information.

Set the inverted pyramid structure aside, and aim to present your information thematically, instead of chronologically or in the order of most to least important.

Pay particular attention to the beginning of your article.

You want your lead to grab your readers attention and make them want to read the whole article.

Unlike traditional news leads, feature leads offer a lot of creative freedom because they dont require you to include the five ws and one h.

Instead, in feature articles, these questions are usually summed up in a single paragraphthe nut grafwhich clearly states the subject of the profile and explains why theyre interesting.

Feature leads can be written in a huge variety of ways. The New York Times Learning Network lists the following delayed leads as the most common.

Learn more on this topic:

A Simple Guide In Python

Suppose we want to find out how discourse in The New York Times has evolved over a period of time. These days it would be neat to analyze this, since whenever we visit the front page we get firehosed with news about the coronavirus. How has the pandemic shaped the headlines of one of the most popular newspapers in the United States?

To answer a question like this, we would need to collect article metadata from The New York Times. Here I describe how to do this in Python.

  • Where to find The New York Times article metadata
  • How to request article metadata from The New York Times
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    The Us May Be Less Prepared For The Next Pandemic Than It Was For The Current One A Times Review Finds

    While the coronavirus has killed more than 700,000 in the United States in nearly two years, a more invisible casualty has been the nations public health system. Already underfunded and neglected even before the pandemic, public health has been further undermined in ways that could resound for decades to come.

    A New York Times review of hundreds of health departments in all 50 states indicates that local public health across the country is less equipped to confront a pandemic now than it was at the beginning of 2020.

    The Times interviewed more than 140 local health officials, public health experts and lawmakers reviewed new state laws analyzed local government documents and sent a survey to every county health department in the country.

    Almost 300 departments responded, discussing their concerns over long-term funding, staffing, authority and community support. The examination showed that:

    South Korea on Monday eased its virus restrictions as the average number of daily cases fell by more than 40 percent in the past two weeks.

    Under the new rules, the government will allow gatherings of up to four people who are not fully vaccinated and will permit venues including performing spaces and movie theaters to stay open until midnight, two hours longer than before. Some of the changes may vary depending on the area.

    South Korea never went into a full lockdown but has imposed stringent social-distancing rules, including a mask mandate, even outdoors.


    Heres What You Need To Know:

    For Two Months, I Got My News From Print Newspapers. Here ...

    Washington State University fired its football coach, Nick Rolovich, and four of his assistants for failing to comply with the states Covid-19 vaccination mandate, the school announced on Monday.

    Mr. Rolovich, the states highest-paid employee, applied for a religious exemption this month from the mandate, among the strictest in the country. The status of the exemption request was unclear when the firings occurred.

    This is a disheartening day for our football program, the universitys athletic director, Pat Chun, said in a statement. Our priority has been and will continue to be the health and well-being of the young men on our team.

    The school said that the teams defensive coordinator, Jake Dickert, would become acting head coach.

    Monday was the deadline Gov. Jay Inslee set for state workers to be fully vaccinated or receive a religious or medical exemption. A state agency report from earlier this month showed that about 90 percent of employees covered by the mandate had been vaccinated.

    Earlier in the day, a Superior Court judge rejected a request by hundreds of public employees for a temporary injunction blocking the mandate, though their lawsuit can go forward.

    Mr. Rolovich, who was in the second year of a five-year, $15.6 million contract, had become the public face of the showdown with Mr. Inslee.

    The players, who had backed Mr. Rolovich, were informed about the firings Monday night.

    We encourage everyone to get vaccinated, Ms. Cifrino said.

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    Access The Site Using A Proxy

    The NY Times checks your IP address to see how often youre visiting their site and reading their articles. So, you could use different computers in different locations to read their articles, but thats probably quite a hassle. Instead of physically relocating yourself, simply re-route your web queries using a proxy. There are a number of free proxy websites online, such as, which mask your actual IP and make it appear as though you are accessing a site from elsewhere.

    And : Pitch The Editors Of Each Publication If They Dont Bite Try Offering Exclusivity

    After youve produced that killer piece of content, whether its an article, infographic, eBook, the results of a survey, or a combination of those things, then go out and pitch it to the editors. Of course the ideal scenario is where you already have an established relationship with the editors at trade publications and you can call them or email them a 2 line pitch first to see if they think it has potential.

    But most people do not have editor friends at major publications, so we need to produce the product first and hone it to near perfect and hopefully when the editor sees it theyll rush to put it in their publication.

    Editors have very little time to sift through the endless clutter they get spammed with daily, so if you are going to publish your work, then you are better off sending them a finished product.

    If you have been able to get an editor to respond to your article, but still cannot get them to confirm theyll publish it, then offer them exclusivity.

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    How To Request Article Metadata From The New York Times

    We will use the Archive API to get all article metadata from the past year. This code can be modified for any period of time between 1851 and today.

    Load dependencies.

    end = = end - relativedelta

    Make a list of the months that fall within this range, even if partially. We need this information for making calls to the Archive API, since it works with only one month at a time.

    months_in_range = 


    I wrote some code to request and process article metadata from the Archive API. This code works with only one month at a time for optimal memory management. We send a request to the API for a given month, receive and parse the response, and populate a data frame with some details about each article, including its publication date, main headline, section, subject keywords, document type, and material type. Finally, we save the data frame as a CSV file and move on to the next month, until we have reached the end of the desired time range.

    Note that there are two rate limits per API: 4,000 requests per day and 10 requests per minute. We sleep for 6 seconds between calls to avoid hitting the per minute rate limit.

    Dont forget to switch out YOUR_API_KEY on line 4 with your API key.

    Run the code to get and process articles from months_in_range.

    We have collected metadata for 80,460 articles from the past year! Each month has been saved to a CSV file in the headlines directory.


    See what the CSV file for this month looks like.


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