Monday, September 2, 2024

Is New York Times A Newspaper

Carlos Slim Loan And Investment

New York Times Buys Game âWordleâ In A Seven-Figure Deal

On January 20, 2009, The New York Times reported that its parent company, The New York Times Company, had reached an agreement to borrow $250 million from , a Mexican billionaire “to help the newspaper company finance its businesses”. The New York Times Company later repaid that loan ahead of schedule. Since then, Slim has bought large quantities of the company’s Class A shares, which are available for purchase by the public and offer less control over the company than Class B shares, which are privately held. Slim’s investments in the company included large purchases of Class A shares in 2011, when he increased his stake in the company to 8.1% of Class A shares, and again in 2015, when he exercised stock optionsacquired as part of a repayment plan on the 2009 loanto purchase 15.9 million Class A shares, making him the largest shareholder. As of March 7, 2016, Slim owned 17.4% of the company’s Class A shares, according to annual filings submitted by the company. While Slim is the largest shareholder in the company, his investment only allows him to vote for Class A directors, a third of the company’s board.

Primary And Secondary Education

The New York City Public Schools system, managed by the New York City Department of Education, is the largest public school system in the United States, serving about 1.1 million students in more than 1,700 separate primary and secondary schools. The city’s public school system includes nine specialized high schools to serve academically and artistically gifted students. The city government pays the Pelham Public Schools to educate a very small, detached section of the Bronx.

The New York City Charter School Center assists the setup of new charter schools. There are approximately 900 additional privately run secular and religious schools in the city.

Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity

The New York metropolitan area is home to about 570,000 self-identifying gay and bisexual people, the largest in the United States and one of the world’s largest.Same-sex marriages in New York were legalized on June 24, 2011 and were authorized to take place on July 23, 2011. Charles Kaiser, author of The Gay Metropolis: The Landmark History of Gay Life in America, wrote that in the era after World War II, “New York City became the literal gay metropolis for hundreds of thousands of immigrants from within and without the United States: the place they chose to learn how to live openly, honestly and without shame.”

The annual New York City Pride March traverses southward down Fifth Avenue and ends at Greenwich Village in Lower Manhattan the parade rivals the Sao Paulo Gay Pride Parade as the largest pride parade in the world, attracting tens of thousands of participants and millions of sidewalk spectators each June. The annual Queens Pride Parade is held in Jackson Heights and is accompanied by the ensuing Multicultural Parade.

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Referencesisbn Links Support Nwe Through Referral Fees

  • Berry, Nicholas O. Foreign Policy and the Press: An Analysis of the New York Times’ Coverage of U.S. Foreign Policy. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. ISBN 0313274193.
  • Davis, Elmer. History of the New York Times, 1851-1921.
  • Hess, John. 2003. My Times: A Memoir of Dissent. Seven Stories Press. ISBN 1-58322-604-4.
  • Jones, Alex S., and Susan E. Tifft. 2000. The Trust: The Private and Powerful Family Behind The New York Times. Back Bay Books. ISBN 0316836311.
  • Mnookin, Seth. 2004. Hard News: The Scandals at The New York Times and Their Meaning for American Media. New York: Random House. ISBN 1400062446.
  • Siegal, Allan M., and William G. Connolly. 1999. The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage. New York: Times Books. ISBN 0812963881.
  • Talese, Gay. 1969. The Kingdom and the Power. New York: World Publishing Company. ISBN 0844662844.

Accusations Of Liberal Bias

Newspaper New York Times (USA). Newspapers in USA ...

In mid-2004, the newspaper’s then-public editor Daniel Okrent, wrote an opinion piece in which he said that The New York Times did have a liberal bias in news coverage of certain social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. He stated that this bias reflected the paper’s cosmopolitanism, which arose naturally from its roots as a hometown paper of New York City, writing that the coverage of the Times‘s Arts & Leisure Culture and the Sunday Times Magazine trend to the left.

If you’re examining the paper’s coverage of these subjects from a perspective that is neither urban nor Northeastern nor culturally seen-it-all if you are among the groups The Times treats as strange objects to be examined on a laboratory slide if your value system wouldn’t wear well on a composite New York Times journalist, then a walk through this paper can make you feel you’re traveling in a strange and forbidding world.

Times public editor Arthur Brisbane wrote in 2012:

When The Times covers a national presidential campaign, I have found that the lead editors and reporters are disciplined about enforcing fairness and balance, and usually succeed in doing so. Across the paper’s many departments, though, so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism for lack of a better term that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of The Times.

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Who Reads New York Times

What is the reading rate of The New York Times? A majority of the papers readers are male and 49 percent are female, which means that men and women read the paper equally. Its readers are mostly young 34% are between the ages of 30 and 49, and 29% are between the ages of 18 and 29. Most of the people who work there earn more than $75,000 a year, which makes it appealing to all income levels.

New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet Says He Doesn’t Regret The Newspaper’s 2016 Hillary Clinton Email Coverage

  • New York Times editor Dean Baquet said that he doesn’t regret the paper’s coverage of Clinton’s emails.
  • In an interview with The New Yorker, the editor rejected the notion that Trump escaped scrutiny from its reporters.

The New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet in an expansive interview with The New Yorker said that he did not regret the newspaper’s coverage of the email controversy involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton .

“I know this is going to get everybody riled up again, but I don’t have regrets about the Hillary Clinton e-mail stories. It was a running news story. It was a serious FBI investigation. The stories were accurate,” he said in an interview published on Friday.

Baquet, a New Orleans native who the 1988 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Journalism while at the Chicago Tribune, also rejected the notion that the newspaper didn’t adequately cover Trump in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election.

“My God, we were writing stories about Donald Trump harassing women we did the first of those. We wrote the first story about Donald Trump where we got a sheet of his taxes or Sue Craig got a sheet of his taxes,” he told the magazine.

He emphasized: “I don’t buy that we were tougher on Hillary Clinton than we were on Donald Trump.”

Baquet, the paper’s first Black editor who has led The Times since 2014, is rumored to retire this year.

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Why the New York Times Is The Best Newspaper In The World

Former reporter for the New York Times and Daily News taught Political Science at NYU

As someone who has often found fault with The New York Times in the past, I can tell you that Ken Kurson’s cover story in the Observer today does not reflect the reality of the paper I read every day.

Kurson’s attack on the editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal and his so-called “tyrannical regime” is based on 24 anonymous interviews with Times staffers — always a dicey proposition.

But Kurson, a former Rudy Giuliani staffer who apparently disagrees with Rosenthal’s liberal positions, does not really quote any objective journalism critics as to the quality of the editorial product. Where is his editor? Oops, he is the editor.

As someone who has followed the editorial pages for decades, I can attest that there are still many, many things wrong with the Times, but the editorial pages and the Sunday Review are the best part of it.

I can say with confidence that they are better than they have ever been .

Today’s editorial on Obamacare, dealing with possible job losses, is a perfect example of turning conventional wisdom on its head.

On Morning Joe this morning, the Times editorial actually changed Joe Scarborough’s mind on some issues — for example, the fact that Obamacare might be good for entrepreneurs, because workers don’t have to stay with one job simply because of health benefits.

An original thought, which none of the other newspapers pointed out.

Water Purity And Availability

Gravitas: Everything that’s wrong New York Times’ job ad

New York City is supplied with drinking water by the protected Catskill Mountainswatershed. As a result of the watershed’s integrity and undisturbed natural water filtration system, New York is one of only four major cities in the United States the majority of whose drinking water is pure enough not to require purification by water treatment plants. The city’s municipal water system is the largest in the United States, moving over one billion gallons of water per day. The Croton Watershed north of the city is undergoing construction of a $3.2 billion water purification plant to augment New York City’s water supply by an estimated 290 million gallons daily, representing a greater than 20% addition to the city’s current availability of water. The ongoing expansion of New York City Water Tunnel No. 3, an integral part of the New York City water supply system, is the largest capital construction project in the city’s history, with segments serving Manhattan and the Bronx completed, and with segments serving Brooklyn and Queens planned for construction in 2020. In 2018, New York City announced a $1 billion investment to protect the integrity of its water system and to maintain the purity of its unfiltered water supply.

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Is The New York Times A Liberal Newspaper

Dan Okrent, the NYT Public Editor, asks and answers a question to which the answer is rather obvious : Is The New York Times a Liberal Newspaper?

My excerpt is long enough the portions I skipped are simply Okrent taking a tour of the paper and giving examples of the liberal bias of the paper.

Frankly, as Okrent himself notes, this is all rather obvious. Its also perfectly legitimate. All newspapers, anywhere, are biased in their coverage. The idea that papers should be objective is a relatively new one, going back a century or so and, ironically, associated with the New York Times. The earliest papers in the Republic, though, were unabashedly partisan. Further, they didnt even pretend to be fair in their coverage.

Aside from ideology and partisanship, reportage is filtered through the lens of publishers and editors with worldviews who, even if not particularly political, have to make judgments about what is important as well as how important the things important enough to cover are . My only problem is when the paper pretends otherwise.

Among the early risers reacting to this story:

  • Betsy Newmark: I wonder if the Times editors are paying attention.

Using A Journal Search

  • Starting from theUW-Madison Libraries homepage, select Journals from the Catalog drop-down menu above the search box.
  • Type the name of the journal in the search box.
  • Change drop-down from Keywords to Title and select Available Online.
  • Select the Submit button.
  • In the results, locate an option where the date shows 1857- or view this Catalog record. Under Online Access, see electronic access options and time span covered for each option.

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    Washington Post Free To Edu

    • Feds, military and students can have free access to Washington Post digitalBy Josh Hicks September 9, 2013

    The Washington Post started an online paywall system in June, but the organization now offers free digital access for federal employees, military personnel and students in higher education.

    The new policy, which began last month, is an extension of the companys original paywall plan, which provided access to people in government, the military, and education while at work or on campus. Now those readers can view the Web site anywhere at no cost by logging in with their .gov, .mil and .edu e-mail addresses.

    Instructions for signing up are available on the Posts registration page.

    The Post paywall, technically known as a metered subscription model, limits all other non-paying readers to 20 free online articles or other items per month. After that, they have to subscribe using one of three options: check the current prices.

    Why Should I Subscribe To New York Times

    The Prop Gallery

    The New York Times stands out from other publications because of its in-depth journalism. The New York Times is also used by all those digital media and news outlets. The article can be seen on various podcasts and even on YouTube channels, where it is discussed in the context of the New York Times.

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    Response To Election Of Donald Trump

    In August 2016, NYT media writer Jim Rutenberg argued in a front-page column that, balance has been on vacation since the launch of Donald Trumps 2016 presidential campaign, calling Trump a demagogue playing to the nations worst racist and nationalistic tendencies.

    Rutenberg contended that when it came to Trumps candidacy, reporters have to throw out the textbook American journalism has been using for the better part of the past half-century, if not longer, and approach it in a way youve never approached anything in your career. If you view a Trump presidency as something thats potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than youve ever been to being oppositional.

    Trumps subsequent election proved good for business for the NYT, with the paper reporting a doubling of its subscription numbers in 2016. An editor at the Columbia Journalism Review wrote that after the 2016 presidential election, subscribing to the Times was something actionable for people who were afraid of Trump, much like signing up for email lists, volunteering for political campaigns, or donating to the American Civil Liberties Union.

    Sarah Palin To Seek New Trial In New York Times Defamation Case

    Bloomberg News reported several jurors learned judge had already said he would rule in favour of newspaper.

    Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is seeking a new trial and a new judge in her defamation suit against the New York Times in the wake of a Bloomberg News story reporting that several jurors deliberating in the case learned from smart-phone push notifications that the judge presiding over the trial had already said he would rule in favor of the newspaper.

    U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff said in a telephone conference Wednesday that lawyers for the former Alaska governor are seeking to file requests for a new trial, to reverse his ruling in favor of the Times, to disqualify himself from the case, to interview the jurors and to disclose any contacts with the media during the trial.

    Rakoff told lawyers and spectators on Feb. 14 that he planned to throw out Palins suit, regardless of the jurys verdict, based on the failure of her team to present sufficient evidence to win the case. But he let jurors continue their deliberations to allow a higher court to consider their verdict in an anticipated appeal. They delivered a verdict against Palin the next day.

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    Culture And Contemporary Life

    New York City has been described as the cultural capital of the world by New York’s Baruch College. A book containing a series of essays titled New York, Culture Capital of the World, 19401965 has also been published as showcased by the National Library of Australia. In describing New York, author Tom Wolfe said, “Culture just seems to be in the air, like part of the weather.”

    Numerous major American cultural movements began in the city, such as the Harlem Renaissance, which established the African-American literary canon in the United States. The city became the center of stand-up comedy in the early 20th century, jazz in the 1940s, abstract expressionism in the 1950s, and the birthplace of hip hop in the 1970s. The city’s punk and hardcore scenes were influential in the 1970s and 1980s. New York has long had a flourishing scene for Jewish American literature.

    About: The New York Times

    New York Times admits it smeared the Babylon Bee

    The New York Times is an American daily newspaper based in New York City with a worldwide readership. Founded in 1851, the Times has since won 132 Pulitzer Prizes, the most of any newspaper, and has long been regarded within the industry as a national “newspaper of record”. It is ranked 18th in the world by circulation and 3rd in the U.S.

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    New York Times V Sullivan

    The paper’s involvement in a 1964 libel case helped bring one of the key United States Supreme Court decisions supporting freedom of the press, New York Times Co. v. Sullivan. In it, the United States Supreme Court established the “actual malice” standard for press reports about public officials or public figures to be considered defamatory or libelous. The malice standard requires the plaintiff in a defamation or libel case to prove the publisher of the statement knew the statement was false or acted in reckless disregard of its truth or falsity. Because of the high burden of proof on the plaintiff, and difficulty proving malicious intent, such cases by public figures rarely succeed.

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